Friday, December 11

30-second tour of San Diego

My thoughtful wife brought a whole roll full of "the kinds of pictures you would take" back from San Diego with her.

The automatically scaling images are an experiment. I'm not so sure they work.

The San Diego Trolley is a light rail line started in 1980. It has since grown to become the fifth most popular system in the country.

This fountain in Balboa Park seems to be a pretty active public space. I like the waterway running along the side of the path.

The entrance into the Gas Lamp district just draws you in to all of the activity.


The Daily City® said...

That gaslamp district is not charming to me whatsoever. It was a charmless co-opting job thats at its core, a mall with boring tenants. Don't be fooled by the signage and the crowds. The cool spots are that old hotel on the island, Balboa Park and just losing yourself in the sketchy downtown areas.

The Daily City® said...

Sorry I forgot to mention, I just discovered your blog and really like it.

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